Presidential Remarks on The Zimmerman Verdict
I am not a fan of Barrack Obama but it has nothing to do with his race.
It has to do with his policies which I think are doing damage to us and
our country. It has to do with his public statements which some times
are contradictory and other times apparently untrue.
However, I think that in his recent speech in response to the George
Zimmerman trial verdict, he raised a valid point. That point being:
Young black men are looked upon with fear and suspicion.
As I have stated, I feel that is a correct observation.
As I have stated, I feel that is a correct observation.
I hope that he really recognizes that is a problem and was not just
something ginned-up by his speech writers to make political points.
If this is a truly held conviction of his, I pray that he is seeking ways to
alleviate those fears and suspicions, but he can not do it alone.
To resolve this fear and suspicion engendered by young black men and
maybe even by blacks in general will need the help of all of us. To that
end, I would like to make some suggestion to get us started.
To: President Barrack Obama
Stop the blame game, don’t automatically assume that all actions
taken by individuals, businesses, and organizations are racially
motivated but may very well be based on observed behavior of the
offended party.
Seriously consider the cause of that fear and suspension. Could it
be because of observed actions or past experience with that group.
Direct your energy and speeches to encouraging changes to the actions
that cause fear and suspension in others.
To: Civil Rights Professionals
See above suggestions to the President.
To: News Media
Do some real investigative reporting. Find out what is really going on;
find out what really happened. Then report it accurately without political
or social bias. You might just turn up some facts about something that
or social bias. You might just turn up some facts about something that
could be used to help solve the problems.
To: Black Celebrities and Professionals:
Whether you are involved in Sports, Music, Movies, Television,
Science, Medicine, Politics, or Industry, use your influence to redirect
the minds of the young away from the Thug Mentality and toward
Responsibility and Civility.
When someone like Bill Cosby or Dr. Allen West steps forward and
offers some advice, do not criticize and belittle them, but get behind
them and lend your support to their efforts.
To: Black Young Men (and Women)
Lose the thug actions and attitudes and join the mainline society.
To: The White Community:
Evaluate your own attitudes and actions. Are you sending some subtle
hints to the black community that you consider them less of a human
being than you?
Get involved is your communities, schools, and local relief organizations.
You might just make some friends from a differ culture.
Get involved is your communities, schools, and local relief organizations.
You might just make some friends from a differ culture.
I am sure there is much more to be said, but this should do to get some discussion started.
Your comments are welcomed.
The fear reflex to those of another culture is not uncommon, especially if you feel you may be at a disadvantage in the situation. I have seen such a reaction in Rapid City, South Dakota in regards to Native Americans, in Los Angeles, California in regards to Asians, in Camden, New Jersey in regards the young white toughs gathered on the street corners, in Huntsville, Alabama in regards to Hispanics. It is not always a reaction of a racist white to a black person.